Stained Glass Courses and Workshops

Stained Glass Artist Natasha Sorrell holds stained glass classes which currently run Monday evenings 8-9.30pm and Tuesday mornings 10.30 – 12.30pm and 1 - 3pm

Classes run termly, with holidays to tie in with school breaks (including any bank holidays). The Christmas term is the longest at 14 weeks (with a week off at half-term). The Spring and Summer terms are usually 12 weeks each.

Fees are payable in termly instalments at the start of each term (not pay as you go). For those unable to commit every term, they are always welcome to rejoin the group in the future.

Classes are small (usually not more than 10 learners), and cater for all levels, total beginners, hobbyists and advanced learners. I provide all necessary tools and equipment, and tea, coffee and biscuits too! Students can purchases materials in class, and order tools/equipment through me.

For further information regarding fees, places, dates etc, contact Natasha on 07726 963 827, or email: