Each year more and more people use the centre; the building is not only beautiful but extremely busy and still run entirely by volunteers. As you can see from the video we all have a GSOH but we urgently need MORE people to help keep the centre up and running.
Our current priority is finding a volunteer Bookings Manager. It’s a role with responsibility and autonomy and full induction and training will be provided. If you would like to gain valuable experience in venue and arts administration, this is the role for you. Contact Rick at chair@firstreet.org.uk for further information.
Haven’t played snooker since your student days? It is still as relaxing and absorbing so why not book a session?
At Weston Park Museum’s exhibition ‘Small Stories: At Home In a Doll's’ House’ a centre volunteer spied, in this Victorian creation, perfect miniatures of the community centre’s magnificently restored snooker tables!
The centre has an excellent snooker room with four full size tables, recently re-clothed and re-varnished, and beautiful old score boards all original items dating back to the early 1900’s. Not only are they the best looked after tables in the city but the snooker hall also boasts one of the finest views from a snooker room anywhere with the gable end wall containing a historical stained glass window from WW1. To book contact Rick on 07768 341122
Christmas Craft Fair
We are currently accepting stall applications for our annual Craft Fair on Saturday 25th November 2-5pm. Quality, locally-made crafts will downstairs in Ruskin Hall alongside our cafe and penny social raffle; charity stalls & activities will be upstairs. To book a table contact Natalie events@firstreet.org.uk. It's a great opportunity to buy beautiful gifts and support your community centre and local crafts people.
Once in a blue moon the centre has a weekday evening vacancy for a new class or group to meet and we have one right now for Tuesdays nights from 7.45pm in Appleyard.
Is there something you’ve always wanted to share or teach? Don’t wait! Life is too short. Contact bookings@firstreet.org.uk to find out our affordable rates and get started on that enterprise you daydream about.
On 4th & 11th February 2018 we will be doing some gardening. Please do come along & help! Contact Rick 07768 341122 for details.
Copyright © 2017 Walkley Community Centre, All rights reserved.
The views expressed here do not necessarily represent those of the Walkley Community Centre